Complete Your Seller Account Set Up

Submit tax & banking information and set up a public profile page is necessary before you start to prepare your SaaS product.

Set up your public profile

This information is displayed to potential buyers once you publish a product. You can find your seller profile page by selecting your display name on the product details page. Follow the steps below to complete your public profile setup.

  1. Go to “Account Settings” in AWS Marketplace Management Portal. Click “Add”.
  2. Refer to the instruction below to fill out the form and click “Submit”

It can take a few minutes to update in your account settings, and up to 30 minutes for your profile to appear or update on AWS Marketplace.

Provide tax and banking information

  1. Go to “Account Settings” in AWS Marketplace Management Portal. Click “Start”.

Now you have completed your seller account setup, go to the next chapter to learn SaaS pricing model.